About Yogartz

Welcome to Yogartz, where art gracefully meets movement. Yogartz is the perfect blend of wellness and creativity, and it was born from a personal journey of resilience and recovery. I’m Wendy, the artist and wellness enthusiast behind Yogartz, and I am truly delighted you’re here.

My story may be personal, but I believe it echoes the experiences of many. While overcoming a severe illness, I came to realise how crucial mental and physical fitness are, not just for recovery but for building a fulfilling life. But let’s be honest – while the journey to health is immeasurably rewarding, it’s no stroll in the park, and this is where Yogartz found its roots.

I needed motivation to engage in physical exercise, and I found inspiration throughpainting and creativity which were incredibly soothing for my mind. Then it struck me: why not combine these energising colours and uplifting designs into my workout space? And so, Yogartz was born.

Our mats are more than just a surface for exercise; they symbolize resilience, hope, and joy. Each mat features a reproduction of a hand-painted design inspired by birth month flowers. Whether you’re stretching, balancing or just taking a moment for yourself, our mats are here to add joy and a sense of accomplishment to your routine. We would be honoured to be a part of your journey towards a happier, healthier life.

— Wendy Alison Shahin, Founder, Artist

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